Oklahoma Corporation Commissions Petroleum Storage Tank Division (PSTD)

Justin Eklund • May 12, 2021

Greetings stakeholders,

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Petroleum Storage Tank Division (PSTD) invites you to a Virtual Industry Roundtable Meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.
In the summer, the PSTD typically conducts a thorough review of PST rules to determine the necessity of conducting a formal rulemaking the following fall through spring. In an effort to be more transparent and collaborative, the PSTD staff wishes to begin engaging industry stakeholders each summer to discuss our rules including what seems to be working well and where improvements could be made while still protecting human health, safety, and the environment.
Additionally, along with other OCC divisions, staff are working this year to eliminate outdated rules. Your input in this area would also be appreciated. This process would allow PSTD staff to communicate sooner about potential rulemaking changes prior to any formal rulemaking process.
The Industry Roundtable format will be for industry to submit questions and/or comments to the PSTD by Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The PSTD will then review any questions or comments before the Industry Roundtable. At the Industry Roundtable, the PSTD will address one question and/or comment from a commenter and discuss during the roundtable. After discussion ends on that question/comment, the PSTD will address a question/comment from a different commenter, and continue on in that manner so that questions and comments from each commenter will be discussed. The PSTD will proceed in the order the questions/comments are submitted to the PSTD. At this time the meeting is scheduled to occur virtually over the Microsoft Teams platform, but further notification will occur should the meeting location/format change.
To register and submit questions and/or comments to the PSTD for the Industry Roundtable Meeting, please email Susan Adlamini at Susan.Adlamini@occ.ok.gov. Please submit any questions/comments by Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Please register to attend the Industry Roundtable Meeting by Monday, June 7, 2021.
We in the PSTD hope that this Industry Roundtable on June 8th will mutually benefit communication between industry stakeholders and the PSTD staff. 
We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Best Regards,
The Petroleum Storage Tank Division

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